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How to Disinfect and Ward off Virus from Home

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Needless to say, the entire world is undergoing an extremely bad phase due to coronavirus. The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has given rise to a lot of issues for all of us. No part of this world is unimpaired. It has been pandemic and the entire world is going through similar pain. The situation has been truly scary for us. Luckily, we all are united and fighting it out.

Dealing with coronavirus and other viruses that cause diseases can be tricky. The only way to ward off viruses from home or workplace is none other than maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness.

If you are not maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness or following the recommendations of health officials then you are at risk and maybe a risk for others.

Health officials also recommend maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness to ward off viruses, bacteria, and other harmful microorganisms.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to maintain the best hygiene and cleanliness. Now people are taking it seriously and maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness to ward off viruses, bacteria, and other harmful microorganisms. Some people are also taking the aid of professional disinfecting and sanitizing services for their homes and workplaces.

The demand for professional sanitizing and disinfecting services has been increased due to sudden increased demand. There are not enough cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting service providing companies. But you don’t need to worry. But you don’t need to worry at all. You can do it yourself.

You don’t need to hire professional sanitizing services to make your home disinfected or sanitized. There are certain ways through which you can ward off harmful microorganisms and make your home virus free.

Keep in mind, maintaining proper sanitation will protect you not only from COVID-19 but also from other diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, and germs.

Coronavirus Home Cleaning and Disinfecting Tips

Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Home is the Key

Needless to say that the role of maintaining sanitation plays a vital role in warding off viruses and germs that cause diseases. In fact, it is the only way through which we can fight against viruses and stay protected. Proper cleanliness will ensure less disinfection and a very low risk of getting into a viral infection.

A lot of people have a misapprehension about cleaning and disinfecting. They think that both are the same. But actually, they are not the same. They are completely two different things.

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Keep in mind, a clean place may also have viruses and germs. You cannot see viruses and germs with your eyes. When it comes to clean a place, you remove only dirt and dust that are visible.

Viruses or germs may not be removed through general cleaning. The only way to remove or inactive invisible microorganisms is by disinfecting or sanitizing the place.

The difference is obvious between cleaning and disinfecting. Cleaning is all about removing visible dirt and dust while disinfecting is all about cleaning and killing microorganisms that you cannot see. To ward off viruses, germs, and bacteria from home, it is imperative to clean and disinfect your home regularly.

Cleaning and sanitizing both are important after an emergency to help prevent the spread of illness and disease. Daily and weekly household cleaning schedule is highly recommended. We ought to strictly follow it. And good thing is that most of us already have this.

Due to this coronavirus disease, we are now more focused on maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness. We are more aware and attentive to keep our home or office thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Cleaning is not enough in today’s scenario. Homes and offices also need to be disinfected.

Why is Disinfection of Home Important?

To ward off pathogens from home or workplace, the disinfection of the place is the utmost necessity. Cleaning is not enough. You must disinfect or sanitize the surfaces to defend against viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms that can cause disease.

Viruses can active for several hours depending on the types of surfaces. They generally stay longer on hard surfaces than on soft surfaces.

The above chart clearly gives you an idea about what types of surfaces can be infected and can cause disease. Cleaning is not enough to ward off harmful diseases. Thus, disinfecting is necessary and you should make sure that you thoroughly disinfect possible surfaces that can be a carrier of pathogens.

So, what do you need to do?

To reduce your chance of catching or spreading the new coronavirus or other pathogens, clean and disinfect common surfaces and objects in your home every day. Surfaces and objects must be thoroughly sanitized and disinfected regularly.

Here is the list of areas and objects that you need to clean and disinfect in order to ward off viruses and other microorganisms from your home or office.

  • Door handles and knobs (main gate, washroom, etc)
  • Doorbell switch
  • Dining and coffee table surfaces
  • Arms of chairs from all sides
  • Kitchen faucets
  • Bathroom fixtures and faucets
  • Switches and switchboards
  • Remove control, watches, keys, and smartphones
  • Refrigerator especially handles
  • Computer keyboards and mouse
  • Laptops and tablets
  • Credit cards and debit cards
  • Stationery items
  • Countertops
  • Windows and mirrors
  • Screens of TVs, Computer and Laptops
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How to Thoroughly Clean and Disinfect Your Home Objects?

By making some efforts you can make your home objects thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. The very first you need to do is cleaning the objects and then disinfecting them.

Start with cleaning your objects. Clean the dirty surfaces or objects using dusting clothes. Thereafter, mop or wipe surfaces with soapy water. After cleaning, proceed for disinfecting your surfaces and home objects.

How will you disinfect surfaces and home objects? Are you aware of the process of disinfecting objects and disinfectants used in the process? Well, you don’t need to worry at all. We are going to talk about all this.

There are so many types of disinfectants available in the market you can purchase for the purpose. Disinfectants are capable of inactivating and destroying pathogens on inert surfaces. They are available in spray and solution. You can choose the one that suits your purpose.

You can also use homemade disinfectants. One of the best ways to make disinfectants at home is to make a solution of bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite) and water. The bleach solution can be effective for up to 24 hours. In order to make a bleach solution at your home, mix one-third cup of household bleach in a gallon water.

Warning: You should never mix household bleach with ammonia or another cleanser.

Fill the disinfectant in a spray bottle and spray the surfaces and home objects. When sanitizing your home surfaces with a bleach solution or other sanitizers or disinfects, leave them on the surfaces for at least 1 minute.

Depending on what type of disinfectant you are using, you can apply it and leave for more time and then mop with a clean cloth. Don’t overlook those areas of your home that are more exposed to multiple touches such as main gate doorknobs and handles.

Keep in mind, your awareness toward proper hygiene and cleanliness can help you prevent a number of health concerns and disorders, no matter, it is COVID-19 virus or Flu virus.

What Precautions You Can Take to Ward off Viruses

To prevent the infection and to slow transmission of Coronavirus or other viruses, do should do the following.

Keep surfaces and objects disinfected:

People infected with viruses have symptoms. But it is not necessary in all cases. It has been seen that several, people not having any symptoms are infected with COVID-19.

It means, people who are infected may not show symptoms but they can still the virus. So, keep your surfaces cleaned and sanitized even after every member of your family is well.

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Regularly disinfect home objects using good quality disinfectants. Take caution and protect yourself from pathogens.

Wash your hands:

Washing hands is always a good idea especially before eating meals. This also helps in the spread of several types of pathogens. So, wash your hands frequently with soapy water or instant hand sanitizers.

Not all sanitizers may work against COVID-19 and other powerful pathogens. If you are thinking about using hand sanitizer then make sure to use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Further, ensure that your hand sanitizers contain the amount of alcohol between 60 percent and 95 percent. A hand sanitizer must contain at least 60% alcohol in order to kill most pathogens. Don’t touch your mouth, nose, and eyes without washing or sanitizing your hands.

Cultivate the habit of washing your hands several times a day. Using sanitizers and washing hands to many times may cause skin irritation or dryness. So, moisturize your hands after washing or sanitizing your hands.

Wash fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables also can be virus spreaders. So, don’t consume fruits and vegetables without thoroughly cleaning them.

What you can do –

  • Wash fruits and vegetables under running water before consuming them.
  • Scrub them with a brush or your hands to remove any pathogens that might be on the surface.

Wash or disinfect grocery:

The carry bags in which you bring vegetables, fruits, or grocery items may be virus spreaders. So, wash and disinfect reusable grocery bags after every use. If you are using containerized or packaged food then wash and disinfect them from outside and let them air dry.

Wear masks and use disposable hand globes:

Wearing personal protection masks and hand globes are among the best ways to stay protected from the viruses. Wearing masks and hand globes will help you a lot.

Stay home, stay safe:

One of the best things you can do during the outbreak of the virus is not going outside without any purpose. Don’t go outside and stay home, unless your works demand you to go out. If you can work from home ask your employer to allow the same. If you outside or office then don’t forget to have a shower after returning home.

Final words

I hope you will be able to keep your home disinfected and virus free by following the aforementioned tips and ideas. In addition, you can also hire professional household cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting services from GPC ( GPC is offering a range of services such as pest control, sanitizing & disinfecting, and cleaning services. Cultivate the good habits of maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness and stay safe. If you have more ideas about making home virus free then you are requested to give share your ideas in the comment section below.

How to Disinfect and Ward off Virus from Home
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