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7 Natural Home Remedies For Bee Stings That Actually Work


Looking for home remedies for bee stings? If yes then continue reading this article.

No doubt, a bee sting can bring you tears. When a bee stings, you experience a sharp pain, redness, swelling and warmth followed by itching. But the matter of fact here is that honeybees die after they sting.

Yes, you heard it right! Honeybees are the only bees that die after releasing sting into the skin. And, that sting can make you highly restless with the pain left by the venomous toxin.

Some bee stings can worsen and you may face the issues of rapid pulse, hives, severe itching, diarrhea, dizziness, swelling in the tongue, difficulty in breathing, vomiting, nausea and others. If you notice any of these signs after a bee sting then you must seek medical help at the soonest.

This blog discusses some of the effective home remedies to treat bee stings. You can use these remedies right after the bee has stung you.

7 Natural Home Remedies for Bee Stings

1. Apply Ice

Right after you are stung by a bee, just wash the area thoroughly and apply ice. Ice is something that is readily available in homes and you can get access to it easily.

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What all you have to do is to take the ice pack and place it on the affected area for a few minutes. If you don’t have an ice pack then just wrap the ice in a cloth and apply.

Just make sure that you don’t apply ice directly on your skin, as it cause rashes. Repeat placing the ice pack after every few hours for instant relief.

2. Use Aloe Vera Gel

With so many benefits of aloe vera gel, there is hardly any home that doesn’t keep it. So, make use of this gel when a bee stings you. Aloe vera gel has soothing, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

After applying the gel on the affected area, your swelling will be reduced and it will also prevent the site from getting infected. If you don’t have aloe vera gel then you can buy it from any pharmacy or cosmetic store. It’s easily available.

3. Apply Essential Oils

You should know that a variety of essential oils have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. The oils that are used as a home remedy to bee sting are lavender, tea tree, rosemary, thyme and witch hazel oil.

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You can read about these oils in detail on the internet. However, you must keep in mind that essential oils should mixed with carrier oils before applying.

The olive oil can serve as the best carrier oil. Just add a single drop of the essential oil to 4 to 5 drops of carrier oil and then apply the mixture.

4. Use Honey

If you have been using honey only for your face packs by far then is the time to apply it on your bee sting too. Honey has medicinal properties and it carry anti-inflammatory compounds, which play a good role in reducing the swelling of the affected area.

Further, the anti-bacterial agents in this will help in preventing any infection to occur in this area. In fact, some medical experts use honey in wound dressings due to its anti-bacterial and healing properties.

Just apply the honey on the sting but make sure to do it in a closed room, as doing it outside will only attract more bees.

5. Apply Toothpaste

You can try spreading alkaline toothpaste on your bee sting. After the sting, the affected area gets swelled and heated, which can be neutralized with a toothpaste.

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You are likely to get relief. However, if any irritation occurs, you should wash it off immediately.

6. Apple Cider Venom

Though this remedy is not known and used by many, but it does help with bee sting. All you need to do is to soak the affected area in apple cider vinegar for 15 minutes at least.

Or you can soak a cloth in it and then apply to the sting site. This remedy is sure to neutralize bee venom and will provide you good relief.

7. Calamine Lotion

Calamine lotion has long been used for treating skin issues. A bee sting can cause severe itching, which you can pacify with calamine lotion.

Just apply the lotion on the sting area and rub a little. Do it with a gentle hand, harsh rubbing can worsen the itching.

Final Words

Above discussed home remedies are sure to give you relief from the redness, pain and soreness caused by a bee sting.

In order to prevent the entry of bees in your home, you should go for pest control services. You can hire the professional pet control services to get rid of pests and rodents from your home.

Just look for one such good pest control on internet. Once your home is pest free, you will not face problems of any stings or bites. Stay healthy, stay safe!

7 Natural Home Remedies For Bee Stings That Actually Work

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